Clear Orthodontic Braces

Naturally aligned teeth will give you a beautiful smile…read more

Cosmetic Dentistry/ Cosmetic Dentist

Now you can acquire the smile of your dreams with…read more

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns or caps are restorations that are built to…read more

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a “root-like” device, made of porcelian…read more

Dentures & Dental Implants

Are you or someone you know considering dentures for…read more


We do all we can to save our teeth. With today’s technology…read more

Family Dentistry

Dr. Dima Khalife, family dentist, has been providing care in…read more


Implant placement and restoration, all preformed right here…read more

Invisalign Clear Braces

The Invisalign system is next to invisible, a superior way…read more

Mini Dental Implants

Mini Dental Implants are a quick and affordable solution…read more

Mouth & Oral Pain

Dentures & oral discomfort often gets the best of denture…read more

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers: Which are best for you? Is it Lumineers…read more

Root Canals, Endodontic Therapy

Root Canals are also known as Endodontic therapy…read more

Ultrasonic Tooth Scaling

We utilize ultrasonic scaling technology to provide…read more

In-Office Tooth Whitening

Dr. Dima Khalife introduces you to the best in-office tooth…read more